Legend wheels are due to be completed at the factory in 7-10 days and should be delivered to us at the American Championships the week of the 14th.
It has been brought to our attention that this round they are making Orange and Green only! Blue will be an additional 6 weeks. If you'd like to change your purple to Orange please contact us and let us know otherwise we will assume you want to wait for the purple. If you ordered multiple colors including purple, what is available will be sent to you and the purple will ship when available. They are still making small batches to ensure that they are quality wheels that you are getting, that's why they were only able to orange and green this time around. Email changes to order or questions to: jenn@easternskatingsupply.com
Please note that any orders placed from this point on will not likely be filled until the next batch is complete in the additional 6 week time frame. That will also be another small batch so if you want them order now as there will not likely be a large amount being produced for several months!